Are You :
Between the age 16-35
A Person who loves to Travel
A Person Who gets along well with others
A Person who has a great love for Jesus Christ and his Church
Then We Need YOU !!!
Project Idea:
Our aim is to train three young people from the diocese in Youth Ministry skills. Then have them travel with us to the different communities across our northern diocese (Manitoba and Saskatchewan), promoting high self esteem, a relationship with God and preparing other youth for World Youth Day in Toronto this July.
The project is scheduled to begin May 27th 2002 in The Pas and will end June 21st 2002 in The Pas
Training you will receive:
- Small and Large group Leadership Skills
- Public Speaking
- Talk and Testimony presentations
- Icebreakers / Games Facilitation
- Group Dynamics
- Contemporary Gospel Music
- Skits (small plays)
- WYD Preparation
- Schedule Management
- Peer Counselling
Benefits of the Outreach:
- An opportunity to receive training that will help you and your community when you return.
- A chance to develop your gifts and talents
- A chance to travel to different communities to share your love of God
- An Honorarium of $50 dollars a week
- Free Food and Accommodation
Factors in Choosing team members:
- Spiritual Life: Going to church, praying, participating in religious ceremonies etc...
- Role Model: Good standing with their community and church.
- Musical Talent: Ability to sing or play an instrument.
- Valid Drivers License
- Ability to communicate well with others
- Ability to work well in a group
- The ability to get to and from The Pas at the beginning and end of the Outreach Program
Note: All of these factors are not requirements, they are simply areas that our WYD Project will be looking at when choosing a team for the Outreach Program
We Now ask and Encourage you to Pray and Apply for this Wonderful
For application forms or more information: email us at