The World Youth Day Cross arrived in our diocese on December 21st 2001. It travelled 3500 kilometers across our diocese. 24 communities were involved in the visit of the Cross.
December 21st Day one with the Cross |

Here's Father Mark Blom OMI and Chad Vincent on the way to our first Community in the diocese - Ile-a-la-Crosse. Father Mark who was just ordained a priest in April, so kindly agreed to be our driver for the eight days that the Cross was visiting our Area. Thank you Father Mark and we pray for you !!! 
Here we see Bishop Peter explaining the significance of the WYD Cross . And what's that we see hanging from the Cross?
That's Right ! Metis Saches. We felt that because the cross could never visit all of our communities, it would be more beneficial to at least hit the major cultural groups. The Cross came to Ile-a-la-Crosse, a Metis (French / Cree) community in northern Saskatchewan. There it was celebrated with dance and song !!! Vie Louis Riel !
On December 24th 2001, at 9:30am, the cross went to visit a local northern myth hero Mister Flintabatty Flin Flon, Manitoba
December 24th - The Pas Manitoba, Home of Our Cathedral. The Cross stands outside of the local government offices, with a small group a youth. The Cross remained in The Pas overnight and was present for both of the Christmas Eve liturgies at the Cathedral. December 25th, 2001. Merry Christmas !!! Especially for Cranberry Portage and Wabowden Manitoba. These communities not only welcomed the symbol of the Baby Jesus but also of the Resurrected Christ. This picture was taken outside of the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, in Cranberry Portage, after the Christmas Day Celebrations. Isn't it pretty !!!